
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna w Olsztynie

Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna in Olsztyn coordinates the activities of the library network in Warmia and Mazury, being also a methodological and training center for all libraries in the province. Institution-co-founder of the WMBC cluster. A place for authors' meetings, training sessions and conferences, and - thanks to the "Stary Ratusz" Gallery - for exhibitions of works by artists from Poland and abroad. The official opening of the institution took place on May 3, 1951. The WBP collections include books (including old prints), magazines, documents of social life (including postcards, posters, chronicles) and special collections (e.g. works of art and electronic documents). An important part of the resource is the "Bibliography of Warmia and Mazury" for the years 1945-1998. Most of the resource is regional in nature



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